HF Fleck's Circling Girl

Blue Roan
Tennessee Walking Horse
Yearling - Filly
Color Genetics
Health Genetics
Birth Month/Year
Registry Number
PSSM1 Negative, FIS Negative
June 2021
Not registered
Deutsche Fleck

2025 Foal Pairing
(click to enlarge)
This is HF Fleck’s Circling Girl, or, as we called her, “Circle.”
In 2019, we paid stud fees for breeding our two Tennessee Walking Horse (both also Spotted Saddle Horses) mares with a local blue roan Tennessee Walking Horse named Jake.
As happens sometimes, we missed HF Deutsche Fleck’s cycle that year and we had only Dewdrops foaled out in 2020.
The local owner of Jake wanted to make good on his promise, so Fleck was bred the following year in 2020, and in June of 2021, we welcomed the birth of Circle.
Circle, like her sire, was a solid blue roan filly. Both of our black and white tobiano mares dropped solid-colored fillies when bred with Jake.
Circle spent the first year of her life wandering our property with her dam, Fleck, who is and has always been the “Big Boss” of our entire property. She had big shoes to fill, being the daughter of the supreme queen (and tyrant and dictator) of all horses at Horsefeathers Farm.
Circle received her name when, for the first week after being born, she constantly hovered around and circled her dam. Some foals do that a lot, but Circle didn’t seem to do anything but drink from her momma and go round and round and round. The name stuck.
Circle was a bit stronger-willed and independent than her year-older half-sister, Dewps. She and her mother decided at about six months old all on their own that she was weaned. That was the easiest we ever had to do, since we didn’t have to do anything at all.
In 2022, she was sold to the owner of her sire, Jake. She was subsequently gifted to his girlfriend, and then moved on to a female friend of that girlfriend, and that’s where we’ve lost track of her.
If she’s anything like her momma as an adult, she’s something special to someone. Her dam, Fleck, is the type of horse that will purposely sidestep low-hanging branches to avoid her rider from getting hit in the face by a branch. She’s also the smoothest, Cadillac ride of any horse that we’ve ridden. On the other hand, she’s also the craftiest at taking advantage of riders that are not highly experienced. I imagine that Circle has some of the same headstrong mental characteristics. For the right owner, she’s gold.